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Taking a plunge....

My first ever blog post... finally taking time to type my thoughts... wish somebody could develop a software like " Think and Type " ... well till then just trying to jot down my wandering imaginations and straight forward thinking...After years of formal education and experience in Business environment , trying to see if I can still unleash my creativity... Either it will be motivational or witty or both....

1 comment:

EmotionalLogic said...

Finally you started writing .. Things seem daunting when you start it for the first time.. When I started writing blogs I felt overwhelmed, not with the my thoughts but with the need to penning down them. But it happens... Soon you wouldnt wish for a 'Think and Type' S/W btw no software is bug free and Im sure you dont want any bugs screwing up your thoughts..
So enjoy blogging.. looking forward to your writings Tai :)