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I was driving my car, and notice the pale red battery light on the dashboard... Oops… battery must be about to give up.. I make the next stop, check the manual.. The manual says that “ Red indicator suggests that battery is not charging up , take it to the nearest service center”... I drive back home. I tell my husband ... we both agree that we should take it to service asap... We definitely don’t want car to break down in middle of busy intersection, get a tow... and all that mess. Plus we have a warranty on the battery!! Drizzle and cloudy skies start the day early next morning. I suggest my husband to take the car to service center. After all, macho man is better there than a pretty woman... (how prejudice me ;) He takes the car to the service center….. By now, the rain has picked up a lot. The auto technician checks the car and of course, its not the part that's warranted, its something else... well, we have no needs to be fixed... But auto guy also tell him that the station is very busy and they won't be able to fix it until late afternoon. The guy assure him that the car is perfectly drivable and there should be no problem for several more miles.... he calls me to tell the situation...decides to come back.. hurray lets make it a rain day for work…… we plan to go out for lunch and drop off the car after that.......I am expecting him back home in about 15 mins.... I decide to get ready.... 20-25 mins go by... he's a no show... I am starting to wonder and my phone rings... It’s him in frustrated voice on the other side...... the car indeed broke down... battery completely dead... luckily, he managed to stir it away from the busy road...but now, he's stuck in the middle of the house and the center..... I call the tow truck, get in the other car, find him , we wait for the tow truck , get the car towed to the center ...the same technician greets us and towed car with the big surprised face ......It’s raining very hard now...we come back home all soaked, wet and frustrated ....Everything that we wanted to avoid, happened precisely-exactly- sequentially :-l The destined inevitable beat the proactive planning, execution and expert advice this time and I sincerely hope it’s the last time............


Rajesh Chitnis said...

nice post
this things always seem to happen though :(

EmotionalLogic said...

Murphy's law, we call that :)