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And the winner is.............

As predicted, yesterday's final debate was once again the boring fiasco. Rehashing the same old... Sadly, neither Democrats nor Republicans have convincing solutions. Both candidates, as predicted were very calculated and lacked care, passion and spontaneity. Mostly they offered only half of the equation diluted with special interests... ...So one would think that the independents will shine through this like stars..... but Ralph Nadar ????? BTW, one thing for sure, they need to get rid of all the same debate moderators from the sixties era... All four moderators were weightless and very ineffective. So much for by partisan journalism...Maybe they should have Oprah, Ryan Seacrest, Ellen Degeneres and even David Letterman, Jay Leno types. At least they will be able to extract the true personality under the mask of these well scripted candidates.. So in the end, sadly the winner is : working man named Joe from Toledo, Ohio ... He got his 15 minutes of fame..

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