Risk aversion or risk assumption ?
We need CURE for the cancer... mere awareness is not enough .
I am Back !
Happy Father's Day!

Trip to the garden center

The little red bird is back

My Home for sale
The CPI needs revision
I am being loved again
Forces of Nature

Pointing at an Upswing ?????
My take on Self-improvement
Living up to the potential
One day without pitter-patter ;)
Small Break
And indeed there was a rally
Hoping for a rally
Glittering Gold
My Musings
Spend More and Save the Economy
My Thoughts on Octuplets
Aspiring to be ......Somebody?
Let's Start Fresh
Satyam Saga
Just when we thought we learnt a lesson from Enron, another corporate scandal rolls in. This time, its Satyam Computers-Indian Software conglomerate. The truth is corporate greed doesn’t have national boundaries. The small investors remain with leftover pieces of puzzle and business schools get another case study. Sadly not much more happens after such mind blowing scams… Enron was cooking its books for years and Arthur Anderson; its independent auditors overlooked it for years. The collapse of the Enron caused the collapse of the AA and we were left with Big 4 instead of Big 5. Sarbanes-Oxley Act rolled in. All corporations made a big push for Corporate Governance and Control. It seemed that, finally, the corporate books were trying to look clean. Now the Satyam scandal bursts that bubble of trust all over again. This time it’s Price WaterHouse Coopers. Its auditors failed to do their due diligence and Satyam Owners could commit fraud of mind blowing proportions.
Big Cow Wins !
So… here are the results of the Dow Jones year end close predictions . Thank you so much to all my buddies who responded to my earlier post. I know this year, it was very tough to guess the wild Dow Jones Industrial Average. No one had predicted such a sharp fall of worldwide economies. We were aware of the presidential election year disasters of the past. There were enough indictors pointing to the economic slowdown. But this time it turned out to be lot more than that. The Congress, the President (elect and elected) and the business leaders tried to rectify previous mess but it was too little too late. The world economies are dwindling between recession and deflation and most everyone is looking hopelessly at it.
At its Highest of the year Dow was at 13137 and at its lowest it had reached 7449.