My father looked at one of the clocks I had and said its wrong clock. By habitual default, I thought it needs battery change. I remembered I had just changed battery a few weeks ago..
( btw, can you think of any other boring, time consuming and repetitious task than changing those batteries and adjusting all those clocks to daylight saving schedules twice a year ? ...really think about how many clocks, watches we change back forth ... car clocks-several hand watches-wall clocks-all those digital clocks on ovens, timers, thermostats and what not. What a waste of time to be on time ! I wonder all those celebrities who boast their closetful of fancy watch collections have someone on staff just to change those clocks back and forth twice a year ;))
anyway, going back to my original story, I glanced at other digital clock and it looked like the timing was correct. I looked at my dad with question mark on my face . He said clock is wrong, not the now with elevated curiosity, I stared at the clock again and there it was.... Can you tell?
Ok.. Let me explain, Number 4 on the Roman Number clocks should be IV not IIII.. remember those school days when we learnt all those letter and numbers? and yes I did confirm on google that # 4 in Roman is indeed IV and not IIII. So the clock design is wrong. Now I have come across several clocks and watches that are wrong and I don't believe its creative unique design type of funda to be wrong either..
Paying attention to minute details matters.. one of the many valuable lessons I learned from my dad. And did I mention that I strive to be perfectionist ?
So friends, sure you always want to be right place at right time ...BUT check your clock...there is a chance it maybe wrong. Oops !

Good article . I looked at my watch and its wrong.. Thanks for the insight.
Peace !
Thanks for your comments anonymous..I wish you could display your name though
Its Priya. I don't have google id to display my name. Sorry
Hey Taynya !
Nice blog !
Nice observation :) I have checked so many clocks since reading your post and have found many wrong clocks in few hours only :)
Thanks for visiting my blog Nidhi..I am glad you liked the post.
Gosh ... Tai I never knew there were such design flaws :O
Thanx for the insight :)
love u !!!
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