Today is the release of the much anticipated Hindi film Ghajini… Ever since I landed in India, I have been listening and watching so much about this film promos.…All about the talented actor , his hard work to get the desired look, the songs, the competition among Bollywood actors and what not… So I, just like millions others, am very curious to see what the film is all about.
Ghajini and Memento
Let the Big 3 go…..
The latest of the economic turmoil has been rolling with no end in sight. The whole American auto industry is trying to take the entire economy hostage. The plea to save the Big 3 US auto makers is going against all odds of the capitalism. Its shame things have come down this low. We already heard the argument that if the finance sector is not saved, the entire economy will come spirally down… To certain extent that scenario made sense. The finance sector is integral part of the interdependent global economies. The enormous scale of the problem made it necessary without a choice to bail them out.
My trip back home........
I must admit we weren’t prepared for this much of an adventure, when we were planning for our journey to Mumbai... Flying for 24 hours across the continent is boring enough. Add two super active toddlers to that equation and you will understand how dreadful I was planning for it. Of course, rewards were incredible…getting to see my parents and my sisters and my family… Nothing beats that … So we were prepared for the long ride of over 30+ hours from start to finish.
Less is Better
Predicting Dow Jones year end finish
Big Win !
Celebrating Womanhood during Diwali
Rewarding wrong behaviour
And the winner is.............
Political Drama
Charity and Capitalism
Say J for J.............. and not H.. please
Right Time-Wrong Clock

Fragrant Fall Colors