I woke up and looked outside the other day and nature had done its wonder all over again.

Oh… the spring has finally arrived. Suddenly mind feels fresh, cheery and airy.. for the matter of fact, the weather is still quite lousy with all the clouds, rain and chill...its anything but springy but suddenly trees outside decided that enough was enough.. it was time to change and there they were full of life... Sometime I wonder how do trees go through this cycle of transformation year in year out tirelessly..
Not a long ago, just about month to be exact, this was the backyard scene....

It feels so gloomy, dark and wet….. just two different shades of white... they make such a big difference though.........
The days are starting to get longer and longer .... I guess I am feeling the sense of optimism all over again. sure not all spring and summer days will be bright and colorful and not all winter days are boring and dreary.... But nature has its way of rejunvating the mind, body and soul and I am glad to pause for a moment and cherish those ways.

On the Earth day, I was trying to figure out how I can contribute to make the earth greener? To a great extent, I am not sure what ever I do will make that much of a difference.. Nature and its forces are so powerful after all.... nothing we do can change that.. My religion believes in worshipping the five elements of the nature. .Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. The whole concept is based on harnessing the energy of these forces by worshiping and accepting their power for our existence. I am not much of a religious person but I do like this stuff. The sense of ambivalence.. so powerful yet so humble….. the basis of all our existence……I know mood changes are natural...(really) but almighty nature’s mood changes are so intriguing ,amazing , mesmerizing….

Happy Spring!