I must admit we weren’t prepared for this much of an adventure, when we were planning for our journey to Mumbai... Flying for 24 hours across the continent is boring enough. Add two super active toddlers to that equation and you will understand how dreadful I was planning for it. Of course, rewards were incredible…getting to see my parents and my sisters and my family… Nothing beats that … So we were prepared for the long ride of over 30+ hours from start to finish.
The start was nothing unusual… usual procedural security stuff. Getting admired for being prepared and handling of cute babies was pleasing…. The layover was again usual security stuff …procedural. No complains in wake of all the terrorism, threats etc… Finally we reach our destination. Get through the maze of airport , collect our belongings and hurray… we were out !! We made it. Now just few more hours and we will be back home…. Can’t wait……
As we were approaching the entrance, I call my sister and I hear her concerned voice. What’s wrong I ask her…. And news was shocking. Mumbai was just attacked by the terrorist a couple hours ago and situation was very tense, very confusing and very scary… The attacks were still going on …We had to make it all the way out of the city by car . We were already so tired and exhausted by the flight.. sleepless for over 30 hours and now the unknown more hours to get home… We weren’t really prepared for that. Is anyone really?
But somehow it worked. Our driver managed to get us out in one piece without missing a beat. Driving through several areas where bombs had just exploded couple hours before was so surreal and ire. Going through several of those specially armed security check points at that wee hour of night was unnerving… But all those cops were so polite and respectful.. We made it home safely.. To see my parents and sisters was priceless. After all, that’s what life is all about ………
Terrorisms in all forms should be condemned. Especially the one , where innocents are killed for the sake of killing. There are several other peaceful ways to get your message across and killing innocent people is the most coward way…..Its shameful and inhumane.…
After realizing all that just happened, and the fact that we were so close to it and yet managed to get out of it so swiftly, I have not enough words to thank all those who protect us. Things could be better, sure ..but all those folks in uniform.. I have more respect for you than ever!!